Do You Ever Feel Like You are Not Enough?

We are constantly told to surround ourselves with those who are good for us.

This makes me question: Who is GOOD for me?

I often find myself in my lived in world feeling as though I am “less than perfect” or “not good enough” based on conversations, comments, discussions that, perhaps, are not directed at me, but have that direct impact on my spirit…. I see it day in and day out with kids. Simply put: people just don’t think about what they say and how it will impact others. Period. Yes, you see it more in kids than in adults, but adults are guilty as well. I’m guilty as well. I think, maybe, the difference with adults is that we realize what we’ve said after the fact.

But… it doesn’t change the fact that I compare myself to others in a less than flattering way and feel like a failure.

The thing is, if I take these others out of the equation, I don’t hate myself. I see my strengths, and yes, my weaknesses. But I accept myself.

What can you do, though, if you can’t take the others out of the equation? Aha, therein lies my dilemma….

I try to remind myself of my good things. I try to remind myself of who I am. And I try, just a little, to create a little distance with the naysayers who probably don’t even realize the negative impact they have on me…

I tell my kids that they are responsible for their happiness, not their friends. So I gotta remind myself of the same thing.

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